Today Colin received his name and blessing at church. It was a wonderful blessing and he behaved sweetly the whole time. Wish we could say the same for Liam and Brigit! No, they did okay too. Grandma Spray made his hat and jacket and booties. Grandma Smith made the little afghan he is snuggled into. He's also wearing a cute little white one piece sweater underneath that Rob wore for his blessing. (Liam wore the jacket and hat and pants for his too.)

In other exciting news, Colin got asked to play the part of Baby Jesus in the ward Nativity scene. He was an angel the whole time. He fell asleep shortly after I gave him to Mary (Mackenzie Waters). We received many compliments on his performance.
I am currently acting as his agent. Rob is handling publicity and Liam has headed up the fan club with Brigit as his assistant. We have begun calling him Collywood.

On a more reverent note, it was really sweet to see a real baby in the scene. Brigit kept pulling on my arm to get me to go get him back. She and Liam took turns guarding him by the stage. I wish we had a shot of her with her little angel wings perched on the edge of the stage watching Colin. We got one of Liam taking his shift. Liam also sang in the primary choir. I heard his Hosanna all the way in the back!